The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast with Hayley Press
The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast with Hayley Press
Revelling in protecting and prioritizing our peace with Veronica Barahona | PODtober 29
Welcome to PODtober, the series within The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast where a mini episode is released every day of October with a new guest answering the question, "What do you revel in?" #RevellerPODtober
Day: 29
Guest: Veronica Barahona (she/her) | @vrncbrhn
Veronica will ask you your birthdate, time, and location if she gets to know you well enough - please comply. She's a lactose sensitive, dairy-loving lady, and a compulsive cleaner when anxious, who gets overwhelmed by many things including: the clothes she's thrifted, not knowing what's next, and whenever mercury retrograde is in flux. She's just floating through life trying to enjoy the little things.
Tune in to discover what Veronica revels in!
*This episode was recorded in October 2021.
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