The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast with Hayley Press
The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast with Hayley Press
Revelling in depth with Darcee Rodgers | A PODtober Unedited Continuation
Today I'm bringing to you an unedited continuation of a PODtober conversation that just couldn't quit.
Darcee was our guest from PODtober 27 and we had so much to say and connect about that it couldn't fit in the mini-episode, so here are the rest of the goodies from that conversation.
We jump right into it, talking about how great PODtober has been, and while it is not necessarily required to follow along , I do suggest you go start with PODtober 27 - or PODtober 1 ;) - to get the full picture.
We're back, baby!
Check out: Revelling in the A-B-D's - ahimsa, benevolence, and dogs - with Darcee Rodgers | PODtober 27
PODtober is the series within The Reveller: RECORDING - A Loud & Lively Podcast where a mini episode is released every day of October with a new guest answering the question, "What do you revel in?" #RevellerPODtober
*This episode was recorded in October 2021.
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